After my big trip in the winter things went back to normal. Back to school, teaching and just trying to get through the year. Don't get me wrong I love China.. if I didn't I wouldn't have lived there for 2 years already going back for a 3rd. But it does wear on you. You start to miss the simple things. Like a clean, not rank smelling bathroom. That doesn't have a waste basket filled with unmentionables and a floor soaking wet in what you hope is water. Or not needed to roll up yur pants so they don't hit said liquid. Or not hearing spitting, and not just a small I have something in my mouth I want to get out... I mean luggie champion hockers (sp?). Or not getting stared at EVERYWHERE you go. You know... the small things, that's what I miss when I'm out there.
Random pics from that time....
also known as zebra on the loose in HK Disney O.o