About Me

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Whitestone, New York, United States
I just recently finished teaching English in China for the past 2 years. This year I will be studying Chinese at Shenzhen University. I graduated from F.I.T. in 07', my major was Illustration. For now art will be put to the side and my adventures in China will begin :)

Monday, November 2, 2009


Well... I said I was sad that I couldn't go home to be with my friends and faimly... a week or so later I made it home! :) I found a pretty decently cheap flight and flew out on the 1st. So It was new years day for over 24 hours... flying back home is always weird. Left at like 1pm jan 1st, got home at 9pm jan 1st. But I didn't tell anyone I was coming. Well I actually broke down and told Jess, but other than that no one knew. So I got off the plane at JFK and it was a staggering 20 degrees. I say this because I was in Shenzhen in my...what was chilly for me... 60 degrees. I must say 40 degree difference sucks!!! So I hope in a cab, I knew I was home when I saw my driver was an African dude who's english was crazy hard to listen to and I had to direct him how to get to my home. I called my home as I stood outside. My dad picked up... I told him to come downstairs cause I forgot my keys in china (which I honestly did). He said "are you shittin me"... i love my parents. I told him to just look out the window. He some how got my mom to come downstairs... miracle of god really. She looks at me... mind you it's dark, she doesn't have her glasses on and why the hell would I be there. She says "who the hell is that" I can't help myself to yell back "what do you mean who the hell is that". Then I was getting choked by hugs and that was the end of the surprise.My spent a few days with some of the guys, and a couple of days with Jess and Eric. I was only there for 9 days but it was fun..... until.... I got sick. Alex decided to give me a parting gift... but it went away once i got back to china. Here are some pics of hang out time. I also met Ade and Reggie for the first time, always great to meet fellow maplers!

They were defiling the barbie dream house -_-

Yay Guildies!!!
Hm... jess takes all the pics so you can't see her here -_-

Yay for almost a year later

Hello all,
I am finally back. At first it was just me being lazy, then China blocked blogspot so I couldn't access it at all... but now I am back. I think what I may do is run through the last year in a few entries with some pics for those of you who missed stuff. Then hopefully I'll post every month or so like I should be doing. -_- Fun part... having to think back to dec and jan O.o ... well here goes!